We create partnerships that help attract more visitors and investment, creating a virtuous cycle of sustainable growth.


Primera helps you grow your knowledge of place-based partnerships, sharing understanding of how to set one up and how to make the most of it. We can guide you through every stage from making the case, building consensus, formally creating a partnership, to forming a strategy and running engagement programmes. Examples of our engagement expertise include:


    We provide ongoing support where agile advice and extra capacity is required to help you achieve your outcomes. If required we can embed an experienced member of our team within yours, to deliver the most tailored guidance, enable knowledge transfer, and upskill your team.


    We help placemaking teams design and problem-solve for every kind of scenario. Whether you work as part of a city government and want to bring local businesses on your journey, or you are a business that wants to engage government to deliver local improvement, our teams will guide you in the skills required for effective collaboration.


    We offer sessions on key topics, in-person or virtually, that draw on our 20 years’ experience of delivery. With expertise across a number of place specialisms, from culture and tourism to financial services and life sciences, we are able to identify what your destination needs and how a place partnership could deliver it.


    Whether you’re looking to get your local authority to play a more active part in your work, or to raise your profile with national government, we help you engage with strategic partners to champion the needs of your place, provide external perspective and develop advocacy. Our external relations team can help you maximise your output and extend you reach across a range of media channels.


    We offer one day to two-week placements and study tours to discover and find out more about successful London place partnerships, hands-on. From Westminster to the City of London, our team will guide you through some of the British capital’s most high-profile neighbourhoods, highlighting the challenges they have faced and how they have risen to them, through public/private collaboration.


While place partnerships can be informal arrangements, the most effective will be the ones where all stakeholders have agreed shared goals, individual roles and responsibilities, and this is best delivered through an agreed, official framework. Primera can review the viability, funding options and legislative pathways to make successful place partnerships happen.


    We help conduct business surveys, briefings and media outreach to assess the feasibility of a governance and funding model for a location. In this early stage, it is crucial to carefully plan how to present any proposed options. This requires careful and sustained engagement, and meticulous stakeholder handling.


    We help partners in both the public sector and the business community to weigh up the different revenue mechanisms that can underpin a sustainable and effective partnership. We leverage our 20 years of experience in all stages of the partnership journey to design a model that works for your location and is suited to its stakeholders.


    We help governments and partners devise effective legislation fit for their policy, funding and ownership context. We leverage our experience advising national and state governments to develop a tailored framework.


Relationships are at the heart of partnerships, but sometime an external facilitator is needed to spot the common threads and assist to build them out into a full strategy. Primera can provide the independent convening power required to build appetite and consensus for place partnership.


    We convene purposeful dialogue among businesses, occupiers and local governments, to find the best ways to pool resources, deliver services and serve communities. The Primera team acts as the independent, objective voice which can help everyone coalesce around shared objectives, the premise of a successful partnership.


    We design structured agreements that outline roles, objectives, and benefits for all those invested in creating a better place. Drawing on our experience working with a range of stakeholders from the public, private and third sector, we understand the role each partner has to play in the delivery of a successful place and provide a frame work to maximise their expertise.


    We establish clear, transparent governance structures to manage shared services, ensuring accountability and value for money. Working in partnership means being open to scrutiny, which requires coherent reporting protocols and reporting lines. Our team will work with you and your stakeholders to define a bespoke model tailored to your needs.


Places are complex, and their successful development requires a unique and sensitive approach to project management and delivery. Leveraging our work over the last two decades, across numerous neighbourhoods in cities on several continents, Primera can provide you with the tools and tactics to successfully do the daily business of place management.


    Whether your district is a global tourism hub or a world-leading business centre, we can help you tailor, design and deliver programmes that will resonate with your audiences, at home and abroad. We oversee and coordinate the execution of events and projects, to ensure they are delivered on time, to high standards and for maximum impact.


    The local community is an asset that can become your strongest advocates. We provide the tools to bring them on your placemaking journey, building local relationships that will help address social challenges and prioritise community wealth-building, supporting regeneration while tackling gentrification.


    No two places are the same, and successful placemaking is dependent on having a tailored strategy that responds to the local challenges while leveraging the existing assets and opportunities. Our team helps you devise and implement tried-and-tested strategies for local culture, sustainability, health, and wellbeing, for more vibrant and resilient places.


    We are experts in devising ways to improve the public realm of a place, working in close partnership with local authorities, government, residents and business stakeholders to ensure everyone feels part of the improvement journey. Our award-winning greening schemes in London have transformed some of the city’s most iconic areas, creating cleaner, greener and safer spaces with improved air quality and better facilities for all. Where the usage of a space needs time to evolve and be analysed, we can design meanwhile activations which help animate it in the short term, whilst longer-term solutions are discussed and agreed.